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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-03-17 來(lái)源:http:///

Considering political, historical, and military knowledge, "Any ship was created during different historical periods due to political, economic, and military needs, and served the political, military, and economic needs of the time. Therefore, producers cannot choose based solely on appearance impressions, but should view it from a historical perspective. When certain ships have committed acts of aggression against our country, causing significant losses to the lives and properties of our people, we cannot ignore these historical facts.". If it is for historical or military purposes, enthusiasts can make ship models according to their preferences; However, if it is to participate in a competition, it is recommended not to select controversial ship model drawings.
2. 從船舶發(fā)展史方面考慮:因?yàn)榕灤瑫?huì)隨著人類(lèi)社會(huì)的發(fā)展而不斷改型,所以世界不同地區(qū)出現(xiàn)了不同特點(diǎn)的船型。船模愛(ài)好者可根據(jù)自己學(xué)習(xí)、掌握的一些船舶發(fā)展方面的有關(guān)知識(shí)來(lái)選定圖紙。
2. From the perspective of ship development history: Due to the continuous modification of ships with the development of human society, different types of ships with different characteristics have emerged in different regions of the world. Ship model enthusiasts can select drawings based on their own learning and mastery of some knowledge related to ship development.
3. 從海軍艦船與裝備知識(shí)儲(chǔ)備方面考慮:多數(shù)愛(ài)好者喜歡制作裝載了各種的軍艦,有的甚希望把自己喜愛(ài)的某些裝備裝到艦船上。但是從艦船設(shè)計(jì)角度來(lái)說(shuō),艦船配備的是根據(jù)自身的任務(wù)需要,以及艦船建造時(shí)的科學(xué)技術(shù)與生產(chǎn)發(fā)展水平?jīng)Q定的,且因等因素存在差異。所以選擇好圖紙后必須學(xué)習(xí)或掌握一定的海軍或艦船知識(shí),幫助判斷細(xì)節(jié)處的正確與否。
3. Considering the knowledge reserve of naval ships and weapons and equipment: Most enthusiasts like to make warships loaded with various weapons, and some even want to load some of their favorite weapons and equipment onto ships. However, from the perspective of ship design, the weapons equipped on ships are determined based on their own mission needs, as well as the level of scientific technology and production development during ship construction, and there are differences due to factors such as countries. Therefore, after selecting a drawing, it is necessary to learn or master certain naval or naval knowledge to help judge whether the details are correct or not.
4. 從艦船建筑美學(xué)方面考慮:船舶是能在水上移動(dòng)的建筑物,其建造必然反映某一時(shí)代建筑的風(fēng)格特點(diǎn)(圖8)。不同用處的船舶,在設(shè)計(jì)建造時(shí)有不同的要求:軍艦要威武、客船要優(yōu)美、高速艦船要給人一種速度感。因?yàn)檐娕炘?0世紀(jì)40年代發(fā)展到高峰,所以這一階段的軍艦?zāi)P蛨D紙往往成為愛(ài)好者的。
4. From the perspective of ship architectural aesthetics: Ships are buildings that can move on water, and their construction must reflect the architectural style characteristics of a certain era (Figure 8). Ships of different uses have different requirements in their design and construction: warships should be powerful, passenger ships should be beautiful and safe, and high-speed ships should give people a sense of speed. Because warships reached their peak in the 1940s, model drawings of warships at this stage often became the preferred choice for enthusiasts.
2、 Drawing selection and model selection
After selecting the drawings of the ship model to be built, it is also necessary to consider the selection of drawings from the perspective of aesthetics of each ship. For example, when preparing to make a model of a World War II destroyer, there are several drawings to choose from, and it is necessary to compare them. Although the first consideration in the design of any ship is its use and function, designers always improve the appearance of the ship from an aesthetic perspective while meeting functional requirements: make the warship as powerful and majestic as possible, enough to intimidate the enemy; Make civilian ships, especially passenger ships, give people a pleasant feeling of lightness, comfort, and safety. As a building that can float on the water, there are both handed down works and failed designs in ships, which requires simulation ship modelers to use their own ship aesthetic knowledge to select a more beautiful model drawing under the same conditions. Of course, when selecting, attention should also be paid to excavating the combat exploits that the ship has built, which is the inherent beauty of the model.
3、 Based on their own conditions
1. 除去以上需考慮的因素外,制作者尚須考慮自身因素――所選圖紙是否是自己喜歡的艦船,因?yàn)橹挥邢矚g才會(huì)有興趣去研究和制作。
In addition to the factors that need to be considered above, the producer also needs to consider his own factors - whether the selected drawings are the ships he likes, because only if he likes them will he be interested in researching and producing them.
2. 確認(rèn)現(xiàn)有工具是否滿足制作要求。制作船模時(shí)用到的工具多種多樣,但并不是每一個(gè)愛(ài)好者在制作前都備齊了所有工具。因此制作者在選圖時(shí),應(yīng)考慮到按圖紙制作船模的可行性,如果自己現(xiàn)有的工具有缺失,不能滿足實(shí)際需要,是否能找到合適的替代品。
2. Confirm whether the existing tools meet the production requirements. The tools used to create a ship model are diverse, but not every enthusiast has prepared all the tools before making it. Therefore, when selecting drawings, producers should consider the feasibility of making ship models according to the drawings, and if their existing tools are missing and cannot meet actual needs, whether they can find suitable alternatives.
3. 衡量自身技術(shù)水平。由于船模愛(ài)好者是出于興趣參加到這個(gè)行列中來(lái)的,并不是人人都具備豐富的制作經(jīng)驗(yàn),因此選圖時(shí)要根據(jù)自己的制作能力實(shí)事求是、量力而行,不要好高騖遠(yuǎn)。例如,一個(gè)初學(xué)制作者不能只因外表復(fù)雜美觀去選擇“密蘇里”。一條精品戰(zhàn)艦?zāi)P蜕婕暗闹谱鞴に嚭捅憩F(xiàn)手法,即使對(duì)一個(gè)極有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的制作者來(lái)說(shuō)都非易事。
3. Measure your own technical level. As boat model enthusiasts are interested in joining this group, not everyone has rich production experience. Therefore, when selecting drawings, it is necessary to seek truth from facts and act within one's capabilities based on one's own production capabilities, and not to be overly ambitious. For example, a beginner producer cannot choose "Missouri" simply because of its complex and beautiful appearance. The production process and presentation techniques involved in a high-quality warship model are not easy for even a highly experienced producer.
With the summary above for large ship models, I hope it can be helpful to our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click on our website: http:// Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you