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發(fā)布時間:2024-07-25 來源:http:///


  The 99A main battle tank is a brand new main battle tank developed by China based on the foundation of the Anti Japanese War. It made its debut on September 3, 2015, during the 70th anniversary parade of the victory of the Anti Japanese War. Below, we will provide a detailed introduction from the following aspects.微信圖片_20201116101748


  1、 Battle heavy


  The combat weight of the 99A main battle tank is 55 tons.


  2、 Power system


  The power system design of the 99A main battle tank imitates Western ideas, adopting a power pack design that integrates the engine and gearbox. The advantage of the power pack is that it can be quickly disassembled as a whole, improving maintenance convenience. However, due to the limitations of the basic industrial level, its engine technology level is slightly inferior to that of the West, with problems such as low power density, large volume, and poor reliability.


  3、 Weapon system


  The main weapon of the 99A main battle tank is a 48 caliber 125mm smoothbore gun, which can fire tail stabilized armor piercing shells and cannon fired missiles. Its maximum penetration depth reaches 700 millimeters, which can effectively penetrate the frontal armor of surrounding countries' main battle tanks.


  Tank model outdoor image


  4、 Protective capability


  The 99A tank has excellent frontal protection capabilities, using modular composite armor with a physical thickness of over 1 meter, frontal penetration resistance of over 700 millimeters, and damage resistance of over 1000 millimeters. However, side protection is its weakness, as the vehicle's side protection is only 50 millimeters thick steel plate and a rubber skirt, which can be penetrated by a small caliber machine gun. Although the armor thickness on the side of the turret is guaranteed, it still cannot resist the attack of anti tank rockets.


  5、 Information Technology 99A Main Battle Tank


  It is the first informationized tank in China, which has achieved functions such as battlefield situation sharing, collaborative attack and defense, status monitoring, and system reconstruction. In terms of hardware and components, all have achieved autonomous controllability.


  Overall, it is an important component of China's army armored forces, with excellent firepower, protection, and mobility. As a representative of informatization, it also has significant advantages in information collection, transmission, processing, display, and synthesis.

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