


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時間:2021-04-16 來源:http:///


Military models are very beautiful and stylish, but when you paint the accessories of military models, you will smell a bad smell. After a long time, you may feel dizzy and nauseous. Especially for painting and coloring, there should be a set of operation process or protective tools (such as masks, gloves, etc.) to reduce the harm of paint to human body.


What should we pay attention to when painting DIY military model? The following is to teach you in the model painting should pay attention to the five major matters.


1. Maintain good ventilation condition during military model painting operation

有條件的可以裝一個強 力的吸氣/排風(fēng)扇,吸走那些有害的有機溶劑煙霧。但是其實效果好卻簡單,那就是是開窗保持通風(fēng),并且注意不要讓含溶劑氣味的風(fēng)倒吹會室內(nèi),盡量在下風(fēng)口進行油漆作業(yè)。

If possible, a powerful suction / exhaust fan can be installed to absorb the harmful organic solvent smoke. But in fact, the effect is good but simple, that is to open the window to maintain ventilation, and pay attention not to let the wind containing solvent smell blow back into the room, try to paint at the lower air outlet.


2. After painting, the window should be opened for ventilation for more than half an hour


Because the fabric in the home has the function of adsorbing tiny organic gas molecules, if the windows of the military model are closed immediately after the painting operation, these particles will remain indoors. Therefore, ventilation should be continued for more than half an hour, so that this part of organic gas molecules can also be sent out to the outside.



3. Strengthen self-protection


3M series gas mask, the effect is very good, basically can't smell the smell of paint. If you use cheap labor gas masks, one is that the sealing is poor, and the other is that the medicine inside will soon fail.


4. Maybe we haven't thought about which part of the painting of military model has a strong smell?


It's a napkin to wipe off excess solvent.


Because the napkin has a large surface area, it is easy to wipe off the excess solvent and paint, but the organic molecules are also easy to volatilize, causing a pungent smell. Therefore, how to properly handle these items is actually a very important point. Put the napkin in it for the time being and deal with it after finishing the model.


After painting the military model, as soon as you open the box, the smell inside is very strong. After throwing away the contents, open the box for more than half an hour, and let all the residual gas inside evaporate. That's it. Simple, right?


5. Do not leave paint or solvents in the bedroom


Because no matter how tightly the cover of paint and solvent is covered, there will be volatilization (otherwise, how can the paint that has not been used for a long time dry out?). And these volatile gas molecules may secretly diffuse in the air when you sleep.


In fact, the solution is very simple. Just pack the paint / solvent in cartons and put it in the balcony / toilet and other places where people don't often go and the ventilation is good. Just bring it in when you need it.


6. Non toxic water-based paint can be used


Only in the military model spraying effect, water-based paint is difficult to compare with oil-based paint.
