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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-05-13 來(lái)源:http:///


The Development History of Large Space Models


A tool for exploring the mysteries of flight


Humans have been fantasizing about flying since ancient times. Insects, birds, wind blowing leaves, and rising cooking smoke have all sparked the imagination of human flight. Liu An of the Western Han Dynasty recorded in "Huainanzi" the wonderful story of Hou Yi's wife Chang'e stealing the elixir of immortality and flying to the moon palace. This reflects the ancient people's pursuit and longing for flight.


Before the emergence of manned aircraft, humans had created many aviation models that could fly, constantly exploring the mysteries of flight. Over 2000 years ago during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, our ancestors created flying wooden bird models. In "Han Feizi", it is recorded that "Mozi was a wooden kite, completed in three years, but defeated in one day of flight." In the "Taiping Yulan" compiled by Li Yuan and others in the Song Dynasty, there is also a record that "Zhang Heng tried to make a wooden bird, pretended to be a feather and a spear, and could fly several miles with the help of machinery in his belly.". In addition, a wide variety of Kongming lanterns, kites, and bamboo dragonflies were also produced.



After the Tang Dynasty, Chinese kites were spread abroad and spread around the world. Some people in the West use kites for flight experiments to explore the possibility of manufacturing airplanes. The Wright brothers of the United States were the manufacturers of the world's first airplane, and their plane successfully flew on December 17, 1903. They first conducted various experiments with large kites, then manufactured gliders to solve problems such as lifting, balancing, and turning, and finally succeeded in manufacturing the aircraft.


Before the invention of airplanes, aviation models had strong exploratory properties, and after the invention of airplanes, aviation models remained a necessary tool for studying aviation science. The trial production of every new aircraft requires a model to be tested in a wind tunnel, and even advanced aircraft like space shuttles need to go through the model testing stage to obtain necessary data in order to achieve success.

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