


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機(jī)模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
您當(dāng)前所在位置 首頁>>新聞動態(tài)>>常見問題做好靜態(tài)軍事模型這些工具及事項(xiàng)準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-12-22 來源:http:///


First of all, you need to have a set of tools for modeling, including nozzle pliers, tweezers, sandpaper, polisher, hand drill, spray pen, spray pump, etc. some people think that the newcomer does not need to use the spray pump and spray pen. In fact, this is not right. The sooner the morning is, the better. Don't worry, there will be no output without input.

當(dāng)你選擇完模型之后,就要開始制作了模型,步是打磨與修正,將零件開模和注塑時(shí)產(chǎn)生的瑕疵進(jìn)行修正,然后開始正式制作。一般的,模型制作分為直做與改造。直做就比較簡單了,只需要把盒子里的所有零件都拼起來,然后上色就可以了。改造的話就比較復(fù)雜了,涉及到一個(gè)使用蝕刻片 PE 和樹脂件的程序。特別是對于小比例模型來說,例如 1:700 艦船模型,有大量細(xì)節(jié)無法用塑料表現(xiàn)出來,或者是連開出來都困難,比如小號手和富士美的艦船,都存在細(xì)節(jié)失真的問題。這時(shí)候就需要金屬改造件了(一般都是銅的,部分也有不銹鋼的,但是不銹鋼的太硬,實(shí)際制作體驗(yàn)不好)。金屬改造件可以極大的豐富模型的細(xì)節(jié),提高擬真度,使模型看起來像真的一樣。但是蝕刻片的使用非常復(fù)雜,折疊,粘合都需要有極大地耐心和足夠的細(xì)心,而且還需要鏟掉原有的細(xì)節(jié)。這里說一下粘合蝕刻片用的膠水,啫喱膠或是安特固,或是田宮出的 CA 膠,502 其實(shí)也是可以的。點(diǎn)膠的時(shí)候可以用 0.2 或是 0.1mm 的鉆頭點(diǎn)膠,核心原則就是少量多次,否則溢出的膠痕會讓你很久。

After you select the model, you will start to make the model. The steps are grinding and correcting, correcting the defects in the part opening and injection molding, and then start the formal production. Generally, the model making is divided into direct manufacturing and transformation. It's easier to make straight. Just put all the parts in the box together and color it. Modification is more complicated, involving a process using etch PE and resin parts. Especially for small-scale models, such as the 1:700 ship model, there are a lot of details that can't be shown in plastic, or it's difficult to even make them out. For example, the trumpeter and fujimei ships have the problem of distortion of details. At this time, the metal parts need to be modified (generally copper, some stainless steel, but the stainless steel is too hard, the actual production experience is not good). Metal modification can greatly enrich the details of the model, improve the fidelity, and make the model look like real. But the use of etchants is very complex, folding, bonding requires a lot of patience and care, and also need to remove the original details. Here we talk about the glue used to glue etching chips. We recommend gel glue or antro, or Ca glue produced by Tian Gong. 502 is also OK. When dispensing, you can use a 0.2 or 0.1 mm drill bit for dispensing. The core principle is a small number of times, otherwise the spilled glue marks will make your eggs ache for a long time.

樹脂件的添加主要是針對 1:350 艦船或是 1:35 坦克這種大比例模型,使用樹脂件可以極大地豐富模型的細(xì)節(jié)和質(zhì)感,但是有兩個(gè)缺點(diǎn)一是樹脂太脆,打磨與修正比較麻煩,再就是偏高。


The addition of resin parts is mainly for large scale models of 1:350 ships or 1:35 tanks. The use of resin parts can greatly enrich the details and texture of the models. However, there are two disadvantages: one is that the resin is too brittle, grinding and correction are troublesome, and the other is that the price is too high.

在修正打磨時(shí),根據(jù)不同的部分使用不同的打磨器材,比如修正水口的時(shí)候,可以先用筆刀將多出來的部分切掉,然后使用 1500 號的砂紙進(jìn)行打磨。

In the process of correction and grinding, different grinding equipment should be used according to different parts. For example, when modifying the nozzle, the extra part can be cut off with a penknife and then polished with 1500 sandpaper.


When the vegetarians are finished, you can start coloring. There are also two options for coloring, hand painting and spray painting. For soldiers or Warhammer models, hand painted is. For all kinds of tanks, aircraft and ships, spray painting is. When you spray paint, you need an air pump, a spray pen, some paint, and a thinner to use with some paint. First, dilute the paint in proportion, pour it into the spray pen, and then start painting. This is a brief version of the introduction, the actual spray painting may encounter a lot of problems, such as wet places, the fountain pen will spray water out, so you need to add a water barrier. The dry area may cause the spray pump to overheat and burn out. In principle, try not to spray paint for more than three minutes. Although the current air pumps have overheat protection and automatic shutdown, no one can guarantee that there will be no accident.

再就是噴漆時(shí)噴筆距離模型在 10-15 厘米左右,不要太近,如果太近你噴出的漆在模型上會形成一坨,太遠(yuǎn)的話會使漆面太薄,也浪費(fèi)漆。同時(shí)噴漆前建議噴一層水補(bǔ)土,用來打底增強(qiáng)漆的附著力和檢查瑕疵。

The distance between the spray pen and the model is about 10-15cm. If it is too close, the paint you spray will form a lump on the model. If it is too far away, the paint will be too thin and waste the paint. At the same time, it is recommended to spray a layer of water and soil before painting to enhance the adhesion of the paint and check the defects.


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